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Sport communications is the process of communication between a brand and its audience, based on passion and love to sports that constantly keep unbelievable interest to it. We have checked that proper work with this peculiarity lets amazingly enrich the content of brand values and deepen the penetration of a message.

Marketing communications. We start building any communication from the answer to a question: what do we want to say and to whom? And only after that we apply all the necessary tools that let us say what we want and to whom we want with maximum effect. There are instruments that we have mastered perfectly, and there are ones we have to create depending on the goals. All members of our team can effectively apply the well known marketing instruments, but we are sure that the use of standard instruments is not enough for performing concrete tasks. Here, individual approach is needed.

Sport. The sports we chose have many names: extreme, non-Olympic, action sport, fun sport, etc. We prefer to call them «alternative sports», as in the frame of sport this name lets us embrace quite a wide variety of sports. Also it lets us avoid such connotations like in case with «extreme sports», associated mainly with teens and high level of risk for health, but it is not always like this (потому что?). But, honestly speaking, in the most interesting cases we are ready to work with traditional sports. All members of our team ride or play something.

People. They are the most important for us. They are the ones who determine what we do. People who work in the agency should enjoy their job, that's why they love what they do and succeed in it. The people who take part in our projects are the main, that's why we try to offer them only the things they will really like and need. The people who apply to us for service are everything for us, as they are the ones who make our work effective and efficient.
All members of our team communicate with people, not brands, companies, legal entities, robots etc.

We. We say that «being first is an advantage» because we have checked it in the two main spheres of our lives- sport and business. It's not easy but someone should! Our mission is to make sport an effective communicational platform for completion of business tasks. That's why this process promotes the development of business, sport our clients and us. We have worker under the brand of 360SCA since10 February 2006 and this idea belongs to three people: Alexey Mitrofanov, Ekaterina Kolchanova and Alexey Bezugliy, but our existence owes to everyone who works in the Agency.

More: services, portfolio, clients&partners.


Konstantin Galat

Konstantin Galat — «Trial-sport» team rider (snowboard, Bataleon); freeride-guide, owner of Freeride Russian Cup (2005 – 3rd place, 2006 – 2nd place) and photographer (famous photographers like Mariam Lang-Villar, Christian Pondella and Jean-Marc Favre voted for his first prize in Vertmir Extreme Photo 2005).

Kostia speaking about professionalism, riding and freeride:

«I was at Verbiere freeride contest two times. What first of all amazes in Switzerland is the swing of the event and a general positive feeling of the place. You can feel professionalism everywhere: in event preparation and in the attitude to the people who visit the resort. During all the contest days there is a feeling of holiday all over the resort. Everything is prepared, everything works perfectly. Even the weather on European contests is mostly nice!

Riding and the work of a photographer should be strictly divided. If I shoot, I don’t ride. I’m looking for stories and situations, packed with rucksacks, tripods, batteries etc. Or I ride: I feel free and concentrate on riding. It’s very difficult to buckle the two, anyway not in one day.

For me and most of my friends freeride is a lifestyle. We work as freeride guides, live in the mountains, ride, walk, shoot… With all the people I closely communicate with in the last few years I met due to them. This is a whole life! Contests are a part of this life, an opportunity to meet each other, because we live in different mountains. This is a reason to spend a week together, to climb and to arrange some common projects, photo sessions, whatever. This is great!