FWT: Nissan Freeride de Tignes
Type: Сhampionship
Arts: snowboarding, alpin skiing, freeride
Official website: freerideworldtour.com
3rd FWT event
Dates: 8–14 March 2009 Location: Tignes (France) Riders: 40 (15 Males: 10 (FWT'08) + 4 (FQS'08*) + 1 (FQS'09 sister event winner) + Wild-Cards / 5 females: 2 FWT'08 + 2 (FQS'08) + 1 (FQS'09 sister event winner) + Wild-Cards) *Freeride Qualification Series
The agency unites sport and business interests
We create marketing programs aimed at promotion of goods and services in the market by means of sport.
It is not easy to answer such a question especially when you know that you have only a couple of sentences in reserve and you have already used one of them. I’ll try: we complete marketing tasks of our clients and our favorite way is alternative sport.
360SCA develops projects that create «positive image» of a company, a brand and «extreme” itself.
Alternative sports (extreme, fun-sport) are non-Olympic and non-team sports.
Sports connected with risk, speed and adventure. Alternative sport is an indispensable part of successful and modern people’s lives.
Alternative sports (extreme sport) — popular individual sports, connected with speed, height and danger, they astonish by their staginess and of course have their own culture, fashion and music.
Honestly speaking, I don’t really like the word alternative. An alternative to what? Many of «alternative» sports are now becoming Olympic. «Extreme” sport is also not a very correct name, as any sport including chess and checkers has some extreme elements. In my opinion, this is the sport that helps young and not so young people express themselves as individualities. In such sport not only results are important but also style and individuality of a sportsman. First of all it’s pleasure and only then muscle loading, competition, ratings etc. These sports let feel freedom and speed, develop skills others don’t have and experience feeling that are impossible to have doing other sports and bring only positive emotions.
Currently: MTB, kite, wake, snowboard.
Mountain skis, motorbike, bike.
Snowboard, mountain bike, and everything you can ride on water and land. By the ay, there are alternative sports in which you don’t ride anything: caving, mountain climbing, alpinism etc. There are also sports in which you fly: paragliding, base etc. In other words: the question is inappropriate.
I go snowboarding and fitness-roller-skating. Already 9 years of riding experience. I have a snowboard instructor license (2005), Training Centre FGSSR, SC «Kant».
Snowboard, wakeboard, roller skates, MTB and many other things in plans.
Mountain bike, motorbike, snowboard. Friends of mine are pushing me to try mountain skis. So, I will…
I want to respond briefly — «we are» — but probably it will not solve the problem. More detailed information we tried to give here.
Transmission of information to the mainstream audience through positive images of sportsmen and bright sport events.
A tool of creation and delivering of informational messages, based on sports, events, sportsmen, sport culture and traditions.
Telling about unclear and puzzling for many people sports in a simple human language. Transition of good old «there should always be a place for a heroic deed» from everyday life to sport life, and the ability to report this information to the mainstream audience. E.g.: Wakeboarding — riding a board with a halyard after a boat that makes a wave of a special shape on which a rider can perform leaps and tricks.
I hope, it’s clear what is communication: assembler, message, encoding, message transmission channel, recipient, who decodes it in his own manner, depending on his world picture, his reaction and our attempt to receive and understand the feedback to formulate a new message. And now let’s make it that the channel and the basis of the message would include a value meaningful for the recipient and the encoding would be in a language clear to him. In case with the audience to which our work is offered such language is sport.
This is a brand message, transmitted by means of a whole set of tools. A properly formulated and delivered message lets to establish strong connection between a brand and its final consumer.
Tools of creation and transmission of informational messages for broadcasting of positioning, image and values of a brand, aimed at its promotion.
The whole system of interactions produced from brand, around brand and for brand, from a telephone call to distributors to bringing up a whole generation that would connect its life with this name.
Transmission of brand information to the consumers by means of different marketing activities.
This is when goods and services start speaking your language.
It’s impossible to calculate. Every year there appear new varieties of alternative sports connected with new territory reclamation, adaptation in the cities, improvement of material-technical base and as a result-the rising level of sportsmen.
I think, the number of varieties is endless. It depends on the power of imagination. E.G. There is skateboard and there is flowboard, t-board and pamgo. There is enormous power and potential in all this, an endless space for creation, discoveries and freedom.
As many as the wild monkeys in Brazil-impossible to count!
There is almost no difference. Alternative sport is a more harmonious term. Though, extreme, unfortunately, is not always connected with sport.
The difference is in associations and scale. I wouldn’t call all the people who like riding bikes through traversed area or the whole bunch of proud snowboard owners thrill-seekers. They only do the sports they like not limiting themselves and not claiming for Olympic medals. This is fun-sport, alternative sport. By the way, the mind blowing actions of the people, that can be described as «extreme» are also a kind of sport that is for sure being an alternative to anything else.
The difference is in availability, risk level, the amount of adrenaline and professionalism. Real extreme presupposes high level of professionalism.
As much as the completion of the task you want to realize by means of this project.
A good project should cost a lot.
From little sums to billions.
Not much in comparison with the results you’d get, whatever they’re measured in. If the result doesn’t exceed the input, what is this project for?
Even more — we are so sure in it that relying on this statement we are building our business and realizing communicational tasks of our clients.
It is necessary for the people who: - want to be free but don’t treat freedom like carelessness; - don’t want to live guided by TV settled consumer society frames - aspire to express themselves as individualities; - try hard to be responsible for their deeds and are not afraid of making decisions; - don’t leave job at 6; - don’t like when others decide for them what to do; - treat the elements like parts of human nature and not like «all inclusive» during a 2 week stat in Turkey. - do not wilt the childish willingness to know many new things and to enjoy the waves, the sun and the smoke of fire, the wind and the snow everywhere.
Yes! It is needed a lot, people are inclined to self-destruction and only alternative sports give them such a unique possibility-to kill themselves! (Just kidding).
Yes. Everything is at the beginning.
When coming to a shop, only on the shelf with dairies I can count more than 50 absolutely useless items of the kind« some people will to all lengths to make them simple folks pay ». Alternative sport is not a marketing-created demand. This is a really existing and actively developing part of our life, an amazingly gorgeous part. You want to share these emotions. We still have to break through a tough wall telling a hundredth time to those who are not familiar with it that there is something besides football. But, in my opinion, the wall has already moved.
Fashion? Fashion is quite a strange word in the context of sport. We are more likely to see not the process of sport fashioning but the process of economic and cultural growth of our country. This is a well known fact that we have many resources released at the moment to think about leisure and to have more willingness to make it unique, extremely interesting and useful both for body and mind.
No, but I think that in the near future the trend of «alternative sports» will steadily grow.
Fashion will not go. And minimum in two years we will acquire something, including reputation.
Every year there are more and more people who want to be free. More people understand that life is not only shopping and buying multi-inch TV sets with further sitting in front of them. Anyway, we won’t be left with nothing- our sport will always be with us.
As I have already said-everything is at the beginning.
Those who think that doing these sports is fashionable never do them for a long time. We call them «round-sport-hangouts». Many of these sports are connected with serious health risks — shall a normal person do it if he’s not sick with mountains waves and flights, if he doesn’t dream of getting the pleasure that his favorite activity brings again and again. That’s why even if these sports come out of fashion; the people doing these sports are here to stay. They will stay with the emotions and inimitable feelings that can be caused only by alternative sports.
Very different people from the point of view of social demography do it. But, of course, not a banal strive for self-improvement unites them, It really doesn’t matter what’s the reason— to show off or to challenge yourself, the main thing is to move on.
Mostly, successful people who value freedom.
Alternative sports are for the young people who want to go to extremes in overcoming their fears and investigation of their physical abilities. Though, youth is a psychological age. They are always looking for soul mates with whom they can share their emotions. That’s why if someone really deserves attention and respect, he becomes known.
Everything depends on what goals are set in front of us—when developing individual campaigns, it’s necessary to think about individual rates. Of course in the basis of these rates there would be some common parameters—the number of people, the quality and quantity of publications, atmosphere of event, the content of response etc.
Client and member recall.
The number of contacts, media publications, member recall—a huge number of criteria that are singled out depending on the communicational tools that are used and the goals of our partners.
At the stage of project planning we hold a round table with our partners and discuss what do they want to achieve. This «want to achieve» should have well-defined parameters of evaluation, both quantitative and qualitative. Number event visitors, quantity and frequency of contacts, quantity and character of publications, advertising equivalent of PR materials, concrete sales growth and audience recall-are only few of them. If speak about brand values or other categories increase of which is stupid to be measured in number of publications, there is an opportunity to make an extended research that will give a distinct idea of what we have achieved and what further steps should we make.
Sooner or later everything becomes pop. The main thing is to be a trendsetter!
If the feeling of control over your body, freedom of making decisions and moving around the world is pop, I am ready to vote with both hands for it.
Multiple TV shows about stars and sports equipment are honestly making pop out of sports. When I went to buy skis in winter, I got into a crowd of mamas, tearing out the last skis from each others hands. Figure-skating has become extremely popular. Is it good or bad? Extreme sport is individual sport. It only benefits of the growing number of competitions, projects and enterprises, as they are the ones that afford an opportunity to grow and show the skills.
Spin around your axis. Seen everything? Same with us.
Because this is our point of view.
A circle, a sphere— our work embraces all the aspects of marketing and sport.
Everyone has a personal set of associations that he or she connects with this number. In general and in particular all of them have a right to be. What are all these limits for? If you think about the name and put some meaning in it, it would also be 360.
It is too early to speak about competition. First, we should work hard altogether to develop the segment of sport marketing to have an opportunity to compete in the future.
Yet we don’t have direct competitors. This is quite a small niche. Though, it develops and grows.